Let's Stop Young Cancer Patients #RunningOnEmpty

Getting to cancer treatment for children and young people costs - a lot.

Their care is usually provided at specialist centres, often far from home. Many are travelling long distances, several times a week, and sometimes this can last for years.

As well as it being physically and emotionally draining, it comes at a huge financial cost too. This is leaving children and young people with cancer and their families #RunningOnEmpty.

We believe all they should be focused on is getting through treatment, not worrying about how they'll get there.

This is why we're calling on governments across the UK for a Young Cancer Patient Travel Fund to help cover the cost of travelling to treatment for all young cancer patients.

In Scotland, the Young Patients Family Fund covers some travel costs, but it's not open to everyone. We want to see this Fund expanded to all young cancer patients so everyone can get the help they need.

Do you agree? Add your name to our petition for better financial support for young cancer patients!

Like facts and figures? We've got some for you...
Our research found that on average, every month, children and young people with cancer and their families spend £250 on travel costs alone, and travel around 350 miles. This is leaving many (71%) struggling to meet these costs, as well as cutting back in other areas, taking on debt and struggling to keep up with other bills and expenses. Want to learn more about this? Check out our #RunningOnEmpty research here.